Students and staff of the month of February are: K-2: Ashlynn Waddell 3-6: Alexander Anderson K-6 Staff: Mr. Jeppson 7-12: Kaden Blake and Camron White 7-12 staff: Mr. Neilson Congratulations everyone!
about 4 years ago, Kami Florea
K-2 Scooting for math!
about 4 years ago, Kami Florea
Congratulations to Brooklynn and Katherine! 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 They earned pie for their hard work in ALEKS!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Lisa Vasa
The 6th grade students earned their January Book Its by giving a book report dressed as a character from their book!
about 4 years ago, Mrs. Badje
Book characters
The Magic Mirror
Horse Diaries: Risky Chance
Escape from Alcatraz
5th grade working with coding. They are designing step by step, sprites that move or talk within scenes.
over 4 years ago, Kami Florea
The 4th-8th grade students participated in the school Geography Bee today to see who would have a chance to compete at the state GeoBee. All did a great job!
over 4 years ago, Mrs. Badje
Top 10! (l-r) Leyton Connell, Joseph Brannan, Isaac Goosey, Kaden Blake, Klaire Ward, Saije Phelps, Katherine Anderson, Carsyn Gragg, Deion Johnston, Braden McNutt
3rd - Leyton Connell, 2nd - Carsyn Gragg, 1st - Brayden McNutt
McPherson County GeoBee Champion!
Anatomy class is moving with PiYo.
over 4 years ago, Kami Florea
Pictures of High school students and staff of the month!
over 4 years ago, Kami Florea
January students and staff members are: K-2: Bryson Phelps 3-6: Natalie Waddell Elementary staff: Meka Melvin 7-12 students: Brooklyn Fisher and Hollianna Watson High school staff: Shelly Apperson Congratulations to everyone and keep up the outstanding positive attitudes!
over 4 years ago, Kami Florea
K-2 celebrated 100 days of school on Friday. Their day was filled with activities that involved 100.
over 4 years ago, Kami Florea
Congratulations to 1st Joseph Brannan, 2nd Kaden Blake, 3rd Saije Phelps, 7th & 8th grade Elks Americanism Essays that are moving on for state judging
over 4 years ago, Keith Nielson
Congratulations to 5th & 6th graders whose Elks Americanism Essays are moving onto state. 1st Braydon McNutt, 2nd Rachel Kemp, and 3rd Klaire Ward
over 4 years ago, Keith Nielson
Elm Creek wrestling tournament has been cancelled today due to weather.
over 4 years ago, Kami Florea
Due to icy roads conditions, McPherson County Schools will be closed Friday, January 17th.
over 4 years ago, Dana Jeppson
7th grade science & Ag performing soil weathering labs
over 4 years ago, Keith Nielson
The 5th grade is taking their knowledge beyond their classroom. They taught K-2 important computer information about Personal Information and Cyberbullying. They created games to play with the K-2 classes.
over 4 years ago, Kami Florea
The Jr. High class will have a Silent Auction Bake Sale tomorrow during the games against Cody-Kilgore in Tryon.
over 4 years ago, Meka Melvin
K-2 Pirates are learning their addresses. Practice makes perfect!
over 4 years ago, Kami Florea
The Steakhouse in Tryon is now offering lunches for school kids Mon-Fri. Hamburger/chips--$5.25, Cheeseburger/chips--$5.50, Tacos--$3.00 each and individual sized Pizzas-- $3.50. Chicken Strips and Fries coming soon. Cash only or pre-pay. Call school office with any questions.
over 4 years ago, Shelly Apperson
FYI: The Maverick Cafe has closed permanently. Please be sure your child(ren) bring a lunch on Monday. Thanks.
over 4 years ago, Dana Jeppson