Alyssa, the victim, and Tabby, the investigator, having a CSI moment for Spanish 1. An ingenious way of remembering the words for body parts in Spanish. How's your cuerpo?

You have to love it when your substitute writes a note telling you that all the kids were great. We have GREAT students at MCS!

#MCS #MCSFFA range boards Red; Ethan, Kathrine, Kinnely, Cam'ron, Cash, Kaden

#MCS #MCSFFA rage board exhibitors at Nebraska State Fair, Blue; Annalee, Aubree, Josiah, Alyssa, Kadie, Isabella, Tabitha.

Preliminary results from Nebraska State Fair. Congratulations to Mason Ward first place GMAW welding board.

53-20 Hyannis.
Good game Thunder! We are proud of you.

The Thunder presented a Thunder t-shirt to the Giellissen.

The HS PE students pitching horseshoes at Miller Park.

Due to technical issues beyond our control, MAP testing has been rescheduled for next week on Wednesday and Thursday. This will impact students in grades 3 through 11 as they needed to finish testing.
Suggestions to help students have a good test session include a good night's rest and a healthy breakfast.

Reminder- Picture Day is THIS Friday- 8/31
**Seniors and Fall Sports- Remember to bring your jerseys.

It was a busy day in the Science room!
9th - Temperature conversion relay
10th - Testing the effectiveness of different soap
11th - Used dimensional analysis to convert "Grandma's" fudge recipe into useable measurements (They had to test their work!
-Ms. Sandager

MCHS Play Production Cast: Get your scripts from Ms. Sandager. Read and rehearse for your audition. Auditions: Thursday, Sept. 6th, after sports, in the gym.

These lovely ladies are the junior high class officers for this school year!

Best of luck to everyone as they take the MAP tests today and tomorrow.

The U.S. Flag at our school and across the nation will be flying at half-staff until September 2, 2018 in memorial of John McCain, a long standing U.S. Senator and Vietnam War Veteran.

K-2 Flag etiquette

Reminder that elementary and high school students will be MAP testing on Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday.

Good morning everyone just a reminder to all parents that we will be having MAP testing at both schools Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday this week. Students need great nutritious breakfasts, lots of good sleep and lots of encouragement. Tell your students not to stress but do their best.

Learning at where Dinosaurs have been discovered.

Just a reminder, Football practice will be in Stapleton today due to pictures being taken.