Get them next time Longhorns. JV lost 0-2
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
Hard fought football game. Arthur county 66, Thunder 46.
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
Ag students remember to get your makeup slips signed by your parents and by your teachers by 4:15pm on Monday September 10
over 6 years ago, Keith Nielson
Jency is busy highlighting her lead role in this year's play! She'll be ready for the Monday morning rehearsal!
over 6 years ago, Robyn Dalton
Jency is busy highlighting her lead role in the play.  She will be ready for Monday's read through!
The 2018 Play Production Season is under way! Congratulations to all 20 students involved. First rehearsal will be on Monday, Septemeber 10th at 6:45 a.m. in Mrs. Dalton's room for read-throughs and cuts. Mrs. Sandager will give you the rest of the rehearsal dates at this meeting.
over 6 years ago, Robyn Dalton
The Biology class tested the effectiveness of different soap brands- here are their results! Does your favorite soap hold up?
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Sandager
So proud of my littles today. The Younger Thunder won their first game. My girls did a great job of cheering them on.
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Laura Blomstedt
younger thunder
The little ones checking out the planets in the high school! -Mrs. Sandager
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Sandager
The 10th graders learned about the technological design process by building and testing "water towers". They had to meet a specific water requirement while also meeting time and cost requirements. - Mrs. Sandager
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Sandager
Malaky and Lane
Group 2
Finished Projects
Come out and support the little football players tonight in Tryon.
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Laura Blomstedt
Working hard on math!
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
K Math
K-2 are discovering living and nonliving things and what the living things need to survive. They are also learning about the American flag.
over 6 years ago, Joy Crow
The 5th and 6th grade students are doing a germination experiment to observe and analyze which liquid will grow the best bean plants!
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Badje
Observation note taking
Discussing observations
B won set 2! Way to go girls!!
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
B team won set 1, 25-15
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
Won set 2!!! Way to go Jr High!!
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
25-11 Jr High girls with the win in set one!
over 6 years ago, Kami Florea
What if the Dinosaurs Came Back?
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Laura Blomstedt
Future entrepreneurs at work! Working on a business plan.
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Polt
Mason, Theresa, and Holli
Reminder that 3rd-11th will be finishing MAP testing on Wednesday and Thursday! Charge your laptops!
over 6 years ago, Mrs. Raegan Anderson