
Greetings everyone!

On Saturday 12/9 we will be hosting our SVM Girls Wrestling Meet - We expect teams to begin arriving around 8:00 am that day. We will be hosting 20-21 teams from all over the state. 

I put together a spreadsheet for the hospitality room to host officials/coaches/drivers/administrators etc.

We are looking for all kinds of items: breakfast, snacks, lunch, drinks, plates/cups, utensils etc. It will be a long day!

If you can help by bringing something - awesome (Don't feel like you have to cook by any means, but if you have something special you do - then feel free!) 

Attached is the spreadsheet so you can sign up and see what others might be bringing as well.

Thanks for your help!

12/09 SVM Girls Wrestling Meet Hospitality Room Sign Up

- Mr. Johnson